People who have had the ultimate awakening have experienced the ultimate truth, the truth of all truths, or however you wish to call it; rarely talk about it.
This is because it is something so intimate and at the same time expansive that cannot be described in words. It can only be experienced. It cannot be defined or labeled, as it is beyond the mind. If you have experienced it, anytime you talk about it, people will misunderstand you and think you are arrogant. So it really feels like a waste of time and instead most of the times you would decide to just enjoy your own company.
The most surprising thing I realised, which was also humorous to me, was how many people actually believed they had experienced an awakening. Generally new agers or people who talk about “love and light” etc., fall for this.
This is what makes me sound so arrogant, but I can tell when someone has and when they haven’t experienced it. It’s obvious by the way they talk because of certain words they use which expose the beliefs they have and don’t even notice.
The reason people believe they have experienced it is because many experience or realise that they are not their mind nor the body. So a separation sometimes happens there and with that they experience brief moments of oneness and freedom within themselves (samadhi). But that is only a separation between their mind and the space in which the mind happens, it can also be experienced in drug taking etc.
When they realise they are not their mind they actually think “oh great all those negative thoughts aren’t real” not realizing it means the positive ones are also an illusion. It is very profound and I had experienced that myself on several occasions before my actual awakening. I too for a while believed I had had a real awakening. But the difference between that and a real awakening is that when you have a real one, your entire mind is deconstructed until there is nothing left.
Then it’s not a matter of going from the mind to the space where the mind is, what actually happens is that all of your beliefs right down to who you are as a person, are totally taken down, absolutely every idea, assumption, belief about EVERTHING. You have beliefs you don’t even realise you have, it’s so very deep. So in a real awakening the mind has been dismantled. The real thing is unfathomable. Unless you have experienced it you can never know it. It cannot be read about or taught. I cannot teach it to you nor describe it.
How does it happen?
There are many ways it can happen for a person: through life experiences, being in touch with a person who has attained that state, finding a master to guide you and/or spiritual sadhana, surrendering completely to death and life, or through life kicking your ass so badly that it almost kills you. It is not something that will happen spontaneously. Just like a tree has to grow until it is able to give fruit, you reach a point when it simply happens, and it can be triggered by almost anything when you are ready.
Another way people think they have had an awakening is from having positive beliefs and magnifying them which can produce a feeling of ecstasy and freedom but it is a false awakening, produced very cleverly by your mind. The mind loves to deceive itself because it does not want to die. When you have a real awakening you drop all beliefs including positive ones. Many new agers are always just trying to drop negative beliefs, that’s easy, but can you drop positive beliefs about yourself as well? And again, it is not something that you do willingly, it is something that happens to you when you are ready. At the same time it is extremely evasive, in the sense that if you want it to happen to you, if you strive for it, it won’t happen.
It’s not an easy road and it is certainly not usually as simple as one realization. It can even be very dangerous as since you are emptying yourself, the mind feels like it is dying, so it tries to cling onto any identification it can. It jumps around as slowly your beliefs are being removed. You often go into states of panic because you realise you don’t know anything, and you start to realise you don’t even know who you are.
This process is painful and scary, and many who start a sadhana (spiritual practice) to attain it, tend to walk away at some point. My partners master used to say that embarking on a sadhana is a one way ticket, there is no turning back, because as you grow there is no chance to go back to the previous state of consciousness you were in. This is why some walk away and then come back when they realise that the only solution was to keep doing their sadhana to keep moving forward.
This whole process is what is known as the “dark night of the soul”, although new agers like to throw that term any time they face some struggle. It is called the dark night of the soul because usually when you are going through that process, there are three possible outcomes, it all depends on your resolve and discipline. During the dark night of the soul you are walking on the tiniest thread and you either get to the other side and finally awaken, or you fall, which would make you end up either crazy or committing suicide. It is that extreme. This is why I hate how New Agers like to throw terms that have a very profound meaning and turn them into some vain terminology to make themselves feel important.
Along the path it can get increasingly lonely as you can no longer relate to people the way you use to. Because your perception has opened up beyond the majority of people’s.
Once you have reached your awakening. All of your energies at that point reach their peak. You see things as they are, not as you think, believe or wish them to be. There is no positive or negative. You have become empty.
When it first happened to me, I basically stopped talking. Anytime someone spoke to me, I could not respond because I could literally see the projection where they were speaking from and it’s difficult to respond in those moments. It took me a while to learn how to talk to people again. That’s why I resorted to posting memes and trolling people (sorry but it’s entertaining).
Does life get easier from here on in?
Yes and no… because you still have challenges and you still have to live with everyone else. My partners master always says “we live in society but we are not part of it”.
Life is full of challenges. From here the biggest challenge is usually that you find yourself in situations that you no longer want to be in. Many leave theirs jobs and their partners, sometimes their families and even their cities or countries, because now they can see how things are and realise that they moved into that direction earlier in their life from a place of projection and beliefs, and now, for them it is time to fix it. Sometimes even what used to be your support groups, such as friends, family or people that shared the same beliefs as you begin to reject you because now you question them and can point out where things don’t make sense, and that threatens their sense of reality.
This can be difficult depending on your life situation. It’s like you become a totally different person and everyone around you doesn’t really understand what happened. You may still have fears, but nowhere near as many as everyone else, and they aren’t paralyzing, they are just uncertainties, and you aren’t afraid to move in their direction.
Life generally forces you to go through unknown and uncertain paths after an awakening because you cannot lie to yourself anymore and you cannot deceive yourself anymore, you cannot hold yourself back. You can’t run. You must face life as it is. That part can be very annoying but I’ve never been disappointed with the results of doing so.
Does this mean you don’t have an ego?
No. You still have an ego, and obviously a memory of all of your experiences but you are not identified by them, you see them for what they are rather than them having control over your life. You still have boundaries and preferences but they no longer come from projections or beliefs. The difference with ego is that it no longer controls you, instead you USE it consciously. You use the ego when you talk to people because the only way you can communicate with someone is through their belief system.
That’s why an awakened person can be so confusing and appear to “change their point of view“ conveniently. The reason for this is only because they act and speak according to the situation and people they are talking to. We may give different answers for the same question to different people. This is because we tell the answer that will benefit that person the most. So in a sense we do lie to people but not with ill intent. We do it to make them see something they weren’t seeing before, to trigger a spark in them that has the potential to move them in the appropriate direction for themselves.
How does your life change?
After this point there are still things a person needs to go through. Learning curves. New realms may open up and that’s what also brings more challenges. It never ends I suppose. But an awakening tends to catapult a person into a direction of life that they had never dreamed of. Usually not something they thought they would want. But something that they chose to do on a deeper level before they incarnated in their current body.
I recently talked about this. I struggled with coming out as a psychic/medium. It is certainly not something I would have chosen to do in life. It just happened to me. What I wanted to do was be a recluse and bask in the ultimate truth. I had no interest in “becoming“ anything. I was in fact quite ready to leave this plane.
That’s another common thing with people who have awakened. They have seen the truth, they know what this place is about and most have seen enough and are quite ready to leave this plane. Not coming from a place of depression or sadness, but from a place of clarity and ecstasy. The only reason many stay is to care for those around them, they may have some responsibilities that would affect other people negatively if they left. Others stay to do some spiritual work before they leave. But none of them are afraid of death, they are actually ready for it.
Life gets easier in the sense that you can see more clearly what’s going on around you, the choices you make and their impact in your life and the lives of others. For me since my awakening I’ve been through a lot of stressful times. Yes I still experience stress and emotions, but coming from a totally different place to others.
I, also being a “twin flame”, apparently have to experience the pain and projections of the collective females, which is a different subject altogether. That’s something that has been happening to me for the last few months, and I’m glad that it appears to be almost over.
Awakened people still experience emotions but they do not stick to them. That’s why they are sometimes very expressive, their emotions come up to be used to take a particular action according to the situation, or express whatever they need to express. Once that moment is over the emotion leaves. This makes awakened people very confusing to everyone else. If people look up to you they might think that you are very “disciplined” because you can “control your emotions”, in reality it has nothing to do with that, it’s just that you allow your emotions to fulfill their role in that particular moment and then you get back to being your normal neutral self. It’s not something you think about, it happens naturally.
Another thing that happens after an awakening is that usually past life karma comes up to be dealt with. You will remember things that happened previously and then you have to also release all of that. But it usually brings you some clarity about why you are here this time.
Are there more awakened people?
There are thousands of people on the planet who have had a real awakening. However they won’t usually talk about it. And most are impossible to identify because they don’t really show themselves. They prefer to have a peaceful life in solitude away from crowds.
There will never be peace on earth unless everyone attains this state. As long as everyone sees things through a set of beliefs and projections, no matter how pretty or “unifying” those may be, they will always clash at some point. It doesn’t matter what beliefs they may be; you may say you can let everyone have their own beliefs, but when it comes down to it It won’t work. If it did we would already have peace.
If everyone could see life with clarity as it is, not through the lens of a belief system, then appropriate action could be taken to move us all on a positive direction. Clearly this is not the case yet. Awakened people are always about solutions. Perhaps it’s something that will happen one day, I truly hope it does. But looking at the world around us, it certainly will not in this life time. I think we are still a few thousands years away from that. We may become somewhat peaceful over time, though there are many factors involved besides that, politically etc. and I will not discuss those subjects here.
An awakening is what I wish for everyone. And I know that promoting new age beliefs will not bring that for a person. That’s why I do not promote them.
Final note
Please notice that I’m referring to it as an awakening and not as enlightenment, which are similar but not the same thing. On the previous post I talked about Mukti, and that could be translated as enlightenment which would be the ultimate state of consciousness a human being can achieve.
If I were to describe both or differentiate them, I would say an awakening is the beginning of the journey, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. Both are on the same path and one who has gone through an awakening unequivocally is on its way to enlightenment, it is just a matter of time.
It’s not the same someone who has newly attained the ultimate truth than someone who has been living in it for a long time, even though both are “in the same place”.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.