Request a psychic assessment
If you are going through something and are not sure if there are external forces or energy imbalances that could be causing it, then you can contact me for an assessment.
I offer this as an option because many times people believe that they need a psychic service when in reality, once I connect with them, I find that what they actually need is not metaphysical assistance.
Many times I find that whatever their issue may be, it can be dealt with in the traditional ways, such as going to a doctor or talking to a psychologist.
If this is the case, there is no point for them to pay me for a full session.
Given the fact that ever since I launched my site I’ve been overwhelmed by assessment requests, I am now charging a symbolic amount.
An assessment is similar to a diagnosis. You will tell me what your current situation is and what you think might be happening so I can have a look at it.
I will usually ask you for a picture of yourself or the area in question and will have a look.
Usually an assessment doesn’t take me long, however there might be circumstances where I may need more time to figure out exactly what we are dealing with.
If you need me to give you an assessment, use the link below to make a small payment. Once that is done you will get instructions on how to get in touch with me for your assessment.